
Before troubleshooting, ensure all prerequisites prerequisites are met.

If Dell CyberRecover Manager integrations fail to discover or monitor, troubleshoot using the following steps:

  • Check if there are any alerts generated on the Dell CyberRecover Manager or gateway, or if there are any error logs in vprobe.
  • To rule out API/SSH specific failures like end device connectivity or authentication, try to check the reachability of end device from gateway using the below commands:
    • Try to ping the IP address provided in the configuration from the gateway ping <IP Address>
    • Try telnet using telnet <IP Address><port>
    • Try SSH to the end device from the gateway ssh <username>@<IP Address>
    • If you still need assistance, reach out to the support team to check the API accessibility using the API commands used internally on the app side.
  • If there are no connectivity or authentication issues, reach out to the support team for further assistance.